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  09/28/15   Poll #22510   All SurveyUSA clients in Kentucky   Kentucky
  Q If the election for Governor of Kentucky were today, who would you vote for? Republican Matt Bevin? Democrat Jack Conway? Or...
  Q Kentucky will also elect an Attorney General in November. If the election for Attorney General were today, who would you vote for? ...
  Q Kentucky will also elect a Secretary of State. If the election for Secretary of State were today, who would you vote for? Republican...
  Q Kentucky will also elect a state auditor. If the election for state auditor were today, who would you vote for? Republican Mike...
  Q Kentucky will also elect a state treasurer. If the election for state treasurer were today, who would you vote for? Republican...
  Q Kentucky will also elect a state agriculture commissioner. If the election for state agriculture commissioner were today, who would...
  Q Is your opinion of Matt Bevin ... favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or, do you have no opinion one way or the other?
  Q Is your opinion of Jack Conway ... favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or, do you have no opinion one way or the other?
  Q Is your opinion of Drew Curtis ... favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or, do you have no opinion one way or the other?
  Q Do you approve or disapprove of the job Steve Beshear is doing as Governor?
  Q Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
  Q Who do you think is most honest? Matt Bevin? Jack Conway? Or Drew Curtis?
  Q Who do you trust more to deal with new federal environmental rules that limit carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants?
  Q Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, saying she objects on religious...
  Q Matt Bevin has said he disagrees with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage. Jack Conway has said he agrees with the...
  Q Should Kentucky spend more money on public pre-school education? Spend less money? Is Kentucky spending about the right amount? Or do...
  Q Most gubernatorial nominees in recent elections have released their tax returns to reveal potential conflicts of interest if elected....


  09/21/15   Poll #22503   KPIX-TV (San Francisco)   San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose DMA
  Q Should the sale of alcohol during San Francisco 49ers games at Levi'sStadium continue to be allowed throughout the game? Or should the...
  Q Is the city of Santa Clara doing enough to keep fans safe at 49ers games? Or does the city need to do more?


  09/06/15   Poll #22487   KGTV-TV (San Diego), San Diego Union-Tribune ()   San Diego DMA
  Q Would you support or oppose a ballot measure that would raise the city hotel room tax to finance an expansion of the waterfront...
  Q How important is it to you, personally, that the San Diego Chargers stay in San Diego? Very important? Somewhat important? Not very...
  Q In the long run, where do you think the Chargers will end up? San Diego? Los Angeles? Or somewhere else?
  Q Are you a fan of the San Diego Chargers?
  Q If the Chargers moved to Los Angeles, would you still be a Chargers fan?
  Q If the Chargers move to Los Angeles and the Raiders move to San Diego, would you consider yourself a fan of the Chargers? The Raiders?...
  Q Do you think the Chargers really want to stay in San Diego? Or do you think they really want to leave?
  Q Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Chargers have handled the situation?
  Q Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor Kevin Faulconer has handled the situation?


  09/05/15   Poll #22490   SurveyUSA (America's Pollster)   USA 50 States
  Q In 2016, America will elect a President. If the election for President of the United States were today, and the only two names on the...
  Q OK, what if the election for President were today, and the only two names on the ballot were Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump; who...
  Q What if the election were today, and the only two names on the ballot were Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
  Q What if the election were today, and the only two names on the ballot were Al Gore and Donald Trump?
  Q If Hillary Clinton were on the ballot, would you cast your vote for her ... enthusiastically? With reservations? Or would you be...
  Q If Bernie Sanders were on the ballot, would you cast your vote for him ... enthusiastically? With reservations? Or would you be...
  Q If Joe Biden were on the ballot, would you cast your vote for him ... enthusiastically? With reservations? Or would you be holding...
  Q If Al Gore were on the ballot, would you cast your vote for him ... enthusiastically? With reservations? Or would you be holding your...
  Q Setting aside everything we have just asked you ... and regardless of whether you will vote Republican or Democratic in the...
  Q Now, regardless of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, and regardless of who you may vote for, who do you think will be the...


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