Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #12087

Geography Surveyed: New York DMA
Data Collected: 05/02/2007
Release Date: 05/03/2007 9:35 AM ET
Sponsor: WABC-TV New York

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

Overall, do you find parenthood very enjoyable? Somewhat enjoyable? Not very enjoyable? Or not at all enjoyable?

72% Very
25% Somewhat
1% Not Very
1% Not At All
1% Not Sure

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.2 percentage points.

In general, have the demands of parenthood been harder than what you expected? Easier than what you expected? Or About what you expected?

43% Harder Than Expected
5% Easier Than Expected
51% About What You Expected
1% Not Sure

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.1 percentage points.

If you could do it all over again, would you have the same number of children? Would you have more children? Fewer children? Or would you not have children at all?

60% Same Number
29% Would Have More
5% Would Have Less
4% Would Not Have Any
1% Not Sure

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4 percentage points.

Now think about your parents, if your parents could do it all over again, do you think they would have more children? Fewer children? Or do you think they would have no children at all?

64% Same Number
16% Would Have More
16% Would Have Less
3% Would Not Have Any
2% Not Sure

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.1 percentage points.

In general, do you think people without children are happier than you are? Not as happy as you are? Or just has happy as you are?

7% Happier
55% Not As Happy
34% Just As Happy
4% Not Sure

  Asked of 576 who are parents
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.2 percentage points.

What is the first adjective that comes to mind when you think of parenthood? Fulfilling? Challenging? Exhausting? Depressing? Or none of these?

41% Fulfilling
46% Challenging
6% Exhausting
2% Depressing
4% Other
1% Not Sure

  Complete Interactive Crosstabs
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