Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #15584

Geography Surveyed: Louisville DMA
Data Collected: 07/23/2009
Release Date: 07/23/2009 4:25 PM ET
Sponsor: WHAS-TV Louisville

  Asked of 800 Adults
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 2.6 percentage points.

Do you currently have any kind of health insurance coverage?

83% Yes
16% No
0% Not Sure

  Asked of 667 who have insurance
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.9 percentage points.

How would you rate the health insurance you have now? Excellent? Good? Fair? Or poor?

34% Excellent
38% Good
22% Fair
6% Poor
0% Not Sure

  Asked of 667 who have insurance
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

Do you personally pay for all of the cost of your health insurance? Or, does your employer pay for some of the cost?

28% Pay For All
62% Employer Pays Some
10% Not Sure

  Asked of 800 Adults
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 2.9 percentage points.

Are you aware of plans to reform health care?

79% Yes
18% No
2% Not Sure

  Asked of 635 aware of plans to reform
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4 percentage points.

If health care is reformed, will you personally end up with better care? Worse care? Or the same care as you have now?

18% Better Care
39% Worse Care
24% Same Care
19% Not Sure

  Asked of 635 aware of plans to reform
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4 percentage points.

If health care is reformed, will you personally end up paying more for health care? Less? Or the same as you now pay?

45% More
17% Less
35% Same Amount
4% Not Sure

  Asked of 635 aware of plans to reform
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 2.7 percentage points.

Do you have a primary care doctor?

86% Yes
13% No
0% Not Sure

  Asked of 548 who have a primary doctor and are aware of plans to reform
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.1 percentage points.

If health care is reformed, will you be able to keep the primary care doctor you now have? Will you be required to change doctors? Or, do you not know enough to say?

27% Able To Keep Doctor
10% Required To Change
63% Don't Know

  Asked of 800 Adults
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.5 percentage points.

Should the government be involved in providing health care to Americans? Or should the government stay out of it?

51% Should Be Involved
41% Stay Out Of It
9% Not Sure

  Complete Interactive Crosstabs
  Statement of Methodology
  © 2009 SurveyUSA / Contractual Obligations