Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #7334
Mayor Kilpatrick Still Closing on Challenger Hendrix: In an election for Mayor of Detroit today, 10/28/05, incumbent Kwame Kilpatrick is 3 points behind challenger Freman Hendrix, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 511 likely City of Detroit voters, conducted for WDIV-TV, Channel 4. Hendrix leads 49% to 46% today, with 6% undecided. In five SurveyUSA tracking polls, Hendrix has led by as many as 17 points. Kilpatrick had trailed by 25 points among male voters. Today, he is tied. Hendrix had led by 21 points among regular churchgoers. Now he trails, though just by 1. The election is in 11 days, on 11/8/05. Hendrix leads 12:1 among Detroit's few white voters. Kilpatrick is up by 10 points among blacks. Hendrix leads 2:1 among seniors. Kilpatrick leads 3:2 among voters under age 35. Voters under age 35 are the least reliable voters, and the outcome of the election is sensitive to voter turnout within this age group. 18-34 year olds make-up 36% of city of Detroit adults, and in SurveyUSA's voter model, are assumed to be 29% of voters. If you instead assume that younger voters will turn out in lower numbers, Hendrix's lead increases.
Filtering: 1,200 City of Detroit adults were interviewed 10/25/05 - 10/27/05. Of them, 1,118 were registered voters. Of them, 511 were judged to be "likely" voters. Crosstabs reflect "likely" voters.
Detroit will elect a Mayor on November 8th. If the election for Mayor of Detroit were today, and you were standing in the voting booth right now, who would you vote for? Freman Hendrix? Or Kwame Kilpatrick?
511 Likely VotersAllGenderAgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeologyEducationChurchVoted For Detroit Mayor Primary
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+BlackWhiteRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalNot SureGrad SchCollege Some ColNo ColleNeverOccasionRegularlHendrixKilpatriSomeone Did Not
Composition of Likely Voters100%44%56%29%32%23%15%84%13%8%75%16%20%48%26%6%13%13%34%40%19%37%43%34%27%8%30%