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  09/17/24   Poll #27286   KGTV-TV (San Diego), San Diego Union-Tribune ()   City of San Diego
  Q Do you live in the City of San Diego? Or do you live outside the city limits?
  Q Are you registered to vote in the state of California?
  Q San Diego voters will elect a President, a Mayor, and vote on several ballot measures this November. Are you not interested in...
  Q If the election for Mayor of San Diego were today, and you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote for?
  Q Do you strongly support that candidate or only somewhat support him?
  Q Do you approve or disapprove of the job Todd Gloria is doing as Mayor of San Diego?
  Q How familiar are you with San Diego mayoral candidate Larry Turner? Very familiar? Somewhat familiar? Not very familiar? Or not at...
  Q Over the past 4 years, has life in San Diego gotten better? Worse? Or stayed about the same?
  Q Which of these is the biggest issue facing San Diego? Homelessness? Cost of living/housing? Climate change? Crime? Immigration?...
  Q How much do you worry about the cost of your own housing?
  Q Do you worry about the cost of your own housing more than you used to? Less? Or about the same?
  Q Do you support or oppose the city's ban on homeless encampments?
  Q Do you support or oppose the city's proposed 1,000 bed shelter for the homeless located on Kettner and Vine?
  Q Is crime in San Diego a major problem? A minor problem? Or not much of a problem?
  Q How safe do you feel living in San Diego? Very safe? Somewhat safe? Not very safe? Or not at all safe?
  Q Is the city doing enough to help people whose homes and businesses flooded in January recover from the damage? Or does it need to do...
  Q Is the city doing enough to prepare for the next potentially catastrophic storm? Or does it need to do more?
  Q Is the city doing enough to maintain roads and sidewalks? Or does it need to do more?


  09/14/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q Are you registered to vote in the state of North Carolina?
  Q Should the use of marijuana for medical use remain against the law in North Carolina? Or be legalized?
  Q North Carolina lawmakers have considered legislation allowing casinos to operate in rural parts of North Carolina. Do you support or...
  Q In March 2024, sports betting became legal in North Carolina. How often have you legally bet on sports since then?
  Q The North Carolina legislature approved nearly $300 million in taxpayer funds for private school vouchers, with no limit on a family's...


  09/13/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q Do you think Congress should or should not pass additional legislation to address gun violence?
  Q Which of the following best describes what you think the federal government should do about immigrants crossing the southern border...


  09/12/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q Are you registered to vote in the state of North Carolina?
  Q North Carolina will vote to elect a U.S. president, a governor and other statewide officeholders in November. Not everyone makes the...
  Q How are you planning to cast your vote in the November election?
  Q Do each of the following things change who you support in the upcoming elections? Not change who you support, but makes you more...
  Q The way the Biden/Harris administration has responded to the conflict in Israel and Gaza?
  Q How much confidence do you have that votes in the election will be counted accurately?
  Q On a scale of 1 to 10, on which 10 is the most important issue to you and 1 isn't important at all, how important will each of these...
  Q Immigration/border control?
  Q Abortion?
  Q Crime/public safety?
  Q National security/international conflicts?
  Q Environment?
  Q Guns rights/control?
  Q Mental health or addiction?
  Q Education?
  Q Healthcare?
  Q Defending democracy?


  09/11/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q Are you registered to vote in the state of North Carolina?
  Q North Carolina will vote to elect a U.S. president, a governor and other statewide officeholders in November. Not everyone makes the...
  Q If the election for North Carolina governor were today, and you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote for?
  Q If the election for North Carolina attorney general were today, and you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote...
  Q If the election for North Carolina state superintendent of public instruction were today, and the only two names on the ballot were...
  Q What is your opinion of Mark Robinson?
  Q What is your opinion of Josh Stein?
  Q Statements made by Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson about women, LGBTQ people, and the Jewish community?
  Q Attorney General Josh Stein's unwillingness to defend some laws passed by Republican lawmakers, like those regarding abortion access...
  Q Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson and Superintendent of Public Instruction Michele Morrow candidate have both said they would prefer...
  Q Michele Morrow's statements calling for military intervention to keep Trump in office in 2021 and referring to public schools as...
  Q Last year state lawmakers banned abortions after 12 weeks. Would you support or oppose laws that restrict abortions after 6 weeks of...


  09/10/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q The North Carolina legislature approved nearly $300 million in taxpayer funds for private school vouchers, with no limit on a family's...


  09/10/24   Poll #27273   WRAL-TV (Raleigh)   North Carolina
  Q Are you registered to vote in the state of North Carolina?
  Q North Carolina will vote to elect a U.S. president, a governor and other statewide officeholders in November. Not everyone makes the...
  Q If the November election for President were today, and you were filling out your ballot right now, who would you vote for?
  Q Before President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, who were you planning to vote for?
  Q What is your opinion of Kamala Harris?
  Q What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
  Q What is your opinion of Tim Walz?
  Q What is your opinion of JD Vance?
  Q How satisfied are you with the 2024 matchup between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump as leading...
  Q Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the economic outlook for your own family over the next year?


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