Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #10641

Geography Surveyed: Michigan
Data Collected: 11/02/2006 - 11/04/2006
Release Date: 11/05/2006 11:25 AM ET
Sponsors: WDIO-TV Duluth, WDIV-TV Detroit, WZZM-TV Grand Rapids

Time For A Change? Michigan Re-Elects Top 4 Statewide Office Holders. Only drama is over outcome of Civil Rights Initiative.

Democrat Granholm Re-Elected Governor of Michigan: In an election for Governor of Michigan today, 11/5/06, 48 hours will polls close, incumbent Democrat Jennifer Granholm defeats Republican challenger Dick DeVos, according to an exclusive SurveyUSA poll of 687 likely voters conducted for WZZM-TV Grand Rapids, WDIO-TV Duluth and WDIV-TV Detroit. In SurveyUSA's last 3 tracking polls, Granholm led by 5, 7 and today by 6. Crosstabs show that the contest is stable.

Democrat Stabenow Re-Elected U.S. Senator from Michigan: In an election for U.S. Senator from Michigan, incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow defeats Republican challenger Mike Bouchard, according to an exclusive SurveyUSA poll conducted for WZZM-TV Grand Rapids, WDIO-TV Duluth and WDIV-TV Detroit. In 5 tracking polls over 3 months, Stabenow has never polled under 51%, Bouchard has never polled above 44%. At the finish line: Stabenow 52%, Bouchard 42%. Crosstabs are stable.

Republican Cox Re-Elected Michigan Attorney General: In an election for Attorney General of Michigan today, 11/5/06, incumbent Republican Mike Cox defeats Democrat challenger Amos Williams, according to an exclusive SurveyUSA poll conducted for WZZM-TV Grand Rapids, WDIO-TV Duluth and WDIV-TV Detroit. There has been no movement in the past 2 weeks: Cox led by 15 then, leads by 16 today. Crosstabs are stable.

Republican Land Re-Elected Michigan Secretary of State: In an election for Michigan Secretary of State today, 11/5/06, incumbent Republican Terri Lynn Land defeats Democrat challenger Carmella Sabaugh, according to an exclusive SurveyUSA poll conducted for WZZM-TV Grand Rapids, WDIO-TV Duluth and WDIV-TV Detroit. One month ago, Land led by 17 points, today by 20 points. Contest is stable.

MI Civil Rights Initiative Too-Close-To-Call: In a referendum today, the Michigan Civil Rights initiative is decided by a handful of votes, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for WZZM-TV Grand Rapids, WDIO-TV Duluth and WDIV-TV Detroit. Of those familiar with the initiative, 42% today are certain to vote 'Yes,' 39% are certain to vote 'No.' But: 20 percent are not yet certain how they will vote, 48 hours till polls close. Republicans support the measure 3:1. Democrats oppose 2:1. Independents split. Men support. Women oppose. Whites support. Blacks oppose. The rich support. The poor oppose. Suburban voters support. Rural *and* urban voters oppose. Late deciders are breaking evenly For and Against. Every vote will be critical in determining whether the measure passes or fails. The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative would amend the state constitution to prohibit state universities and all other state entities from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. The exact ballot language was not read to poll respondents.

Filtering: 1,000 Michigan adults were interviewed 11/2/06 through 11/4/06. Of them, 901 were registered to vote. Of them, 687 were judged to be "likely" voters for Governor and U.S. Senator. 417 Likely Voters were familiar with the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative. Only those familiar with the Initiative were asked how they would vote on the question. Crosstabs reflect Likely Voters.

  Asked of 687 Likely Voters
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

If the election for Governor were today, and you were standing in the voting booth right now, who would you vote for? Republican Dick DeVos? Democrat Jennifer Granholm? Green Party candidate Douglas Campbell? Libertarian Gregory Creswell? Or U.S. Taxpayers Party candidate Bhagwan Dashairya?

45% DeVos (R)
51% Granholm (D)
1% Campbell (G)
2% Creswell (L)
1% Dashairya (UST)
1% Undecided

  Asked of 687 Likely Voters
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

Voters in Michigan will also have a chance to vote for United States Senator. In an election today, who would you vote for? Republican Mike Bouchard? Democrat Debbie Stabenow? Green Party candidate David Sole? Libertarian Leonard Schwartz? Or U.S. Taxpayers Party candidate Dennis FitzSimons?

42% Bouchard (R)
52% Stabenow (D)
2% Sole (G)
2% Schwartz (L)
1% FitzSimons (UST)
1% Undecided

  Asked of 687 Likely Voters
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

Voters in Michigan will also have a chance to vote for Attorney General. In an election today, who would you vote for? Republican Mike Cox? Democrat Amos Williams? Libertarian Bill Hall? Or U.S. Taxpayers Party candidate Charles Conces?

54% Cox (R)
38% Williams (D)
3% Hall (L)
3% Conces (UST)
3% Undecided

  Asked of 687 Likely Voters
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.8 percentage points.

Voters in Michigan will also have a chance to vote for Secretary of State. In an election today, who would you vote for? Republican Terri Lynn Land? Democrat Carmella Sabaugh? Or Green Party candidate Lynn Meadows?

56% Land (R)
36% Sabaugh (D)
5% Meadows (G)
3% Undecided

  Asked of 417 Likely Voters Familiar With Initiative
  Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.9 percentage points.

Also on the ballot is a proposed amendment to the state constitution, the Michigan Civil Rights initiative. Voters may vote yes or no.

42% 'Certain' Yes
39% 'Certain' No
20% Not Certain

  Complete Interactive Crosstabs
  Statement of Methodology
  © 2006 SurveyUSA / Contractual Obligations