Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #12853
Geography Surveyed: Sound Transit District
Data Collected: 10/20/2007 - 10/22/2007
Release Date: 10/23/2007 11:30 AM ET
Sponsor: KING-TV Seattle
Transportation District Voters Split on Proposition 1, Roads & Transit Measure:
14 days till the voting window ends, transportation district voters are divided on Proposition 1, the Roads and Transit Measure, according to a SurveyUSA poll of the approximate transportation districts, conducted exclusively for KING-TV. In a survey that includes those who have already voted and those who are certain to vote before Election Day, 30% are certain to vote Yes, 32% are certain to vote No, and 37% are not yet certain how they will vote. These numbers are volatile and can be expected to change as the substantial "not certain" block makes up its mind over the next 2 weeks. The measure is effectively tied in King County, tied in Snohomish County and tied in Pierce County. Younger voters favor Proposition 1 by the tiniest margin. Older voters oppose Proposition 1, ever-so-slightly. 43% of those under age 50, and 45% of women, are not certain today how they will vote on Proposition 1. Republicans and Independents oppose the measure. Democrats support. Moderates split. Based on the data collected, and given the emotional tone of the debate, any outcome is possible when votes are counted.
1,000 adults who reside in the transportation district portions of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties were interviewed by SurveyUSA 10/20/07 through 10/22/07. Of them, 862 were registered to vote. Of the 862 registered, 93 told SurveyUSA they had already voted on Proposition 1. In total, 586 actual and likely voters were included in the survey, 16% of whom had already voted. 62% of likely voters are from King County. 21% of likely voters are from Pierce County. 18% of likely voters are from Snohomish County.
Asked of 586 Likely and Actual Voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.1 percentage points. |
30% | Yes |
32% | No |
37% | Not Certain |
Asked of 829 registered voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.5 percentage points. |
Is your opinion of Sound Transit favorable, unfavorable, neutral, or are you unfamiliar with Sound Transit? |
38% | Favorable |
26% | Unfavorable |
29% | Neutral |
8% | Unfamiliar |
Asked of 817 registered voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.5 percentage points. |
What is your opinion of the Washington State Department of Transportation? |
24% | Favorable |
34% | Unfavorable |
38% | Neutral |
3% | Unfamiliar |
Asked of 773 registered voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 3.5 percentage points. |
25% | Yes |
61% | No |
14% | Not Sure |
Complete Interactive Crosstabs | |
Statement of Methodology | |
© 2007 SurveyUSA / Contractual Obligations |