Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #7369
Geography Surveyed: King County
Data Collected: 10/28/2005 - 10/30/2005
Release Date: 10/31/2005 1:55 PM ET
Sponsor: KING-TV Seattle
Seesaw In King County Executive Contest: In an election for King County Executive today, 10/17/05, Democratic incumbent Ron Sims beats Republican challenger David Irons 48% to 41%, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 591 likely King County voters, conducted exclusively for KING-TV. Green Party candidate Gentry Lange gets 8%. The election is 11/8/05. Compared to a SurveyUSA poll 2 weeks ago, Sims is up 5 points and Irons is down 5 points. Sims, who had trailed by 3 points, now leads by 7 points. Most of the movement is among women voters. Women support Sims by 21 points today, compared to 3 points on 10/17/05. Sims wins 6:1 today among Democrats. Irons wins 8:1 among Republicans. Projected turnout has increased: 2 weeks ago, 40% of registered voters were judged to be "likely" voters. Today, 49% of registered voters are judged to be "likely" voters. |
Filtering: 1,400 King County adults were interviewed 10/28/05 - 10/30/05. Of them, 1,218 were registered voters. Of them, 591 were judged to be "likely" voters. Crosstabs reflect "likely" voters. From the "Complete Interactive Crosstabs" page, click on the "T" to see the tracking graphs. Once on the Tracking Graph page, use the pull-down menu to study movement in demographic subpopulations. |
Asked of 591 Likely Voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.1 percentage points. |
41% | Irons (R) |
48% | Sims (D) (Incumbent) |
8% | Lange (G) |
3% | Undecided |
Complete Interactive Crosstabs | |
Statement of Methodology | |
© 2005 SurveyUSA / Contractual Obligations |