Here Are The Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #7192
Geography Surveyed: King County
Data Collected: 10/14/2005 - 10/16/2005
Release Date: 10/17/2005 12:35 PM ET
Sponsor: KING-TV Seattle
Seesaw In King County Executive Contest: In an election for King County Executive today, 10/17/05, Republican challenger David Irons edges Democratic incumbent Ron Sims in a tight fight, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 522 likely King County voters, conducted exclusively for KING-TV. Irons gets 46% today. Sims gets 43%, within the poll's 4.4% margin of sampling error. Green Party candidate Gentry Lange gets 7% today. Compared to a SurveyUSA poll 2 weeks ago, which did not name Lange, Irons is up 1 point. Sims is down 7. At the moment, Lange is taking votes from Sims. Those who vote for Lange are disproportionately Democrat and Liberal - voters who would otherwise be more likely to support Sims than Irons. The election is 11/8/05. Irons wins 11:1 today among Republicans. Sims wins 5:1 among Democrats. Lange gets 10% of Democrat votes, 15% of liberals. Two weeks ago, Sims led Irons among male voters by 1 point. Today, Irons leads among male voters by 12 points. Two weeks ago, Sims led among female voters by 9 points. Today Sims leads among females by 3 points. |
Filtering: 1,500 King County adults were interviewed 10/14/05 - 10/16/05. Of them, 1,310 were registered voters. Of them, 522 were judged to be "likely" voters. Crosstabs reflect "likely" voters. |
Asked of 522 Likely Voters |
Credibility Interval for this question = ± 4.4 percentage points. |
46% | Irons (R) |
43% | Sims (D) |
7% | Lange (G) |
4% | Undecided |
Complete Interactive Crosstabs | |
Statement of Methodology | |
© 2005 SurveyUSA / Contractual Obligations |