Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #26598
2 of 3 in Idaho say Legalize Medical Marijuana; 48% Want Recreational Use Made Legal; Just 1 in 10 Say Jail Time Right for Marijuana Possession:

Majorities of Idaho adults support loosening the state's laws regarding medical marijuana, according to SurveyUSA's latest polling for the Idaho Statesman.

68% say the use of marijuana for medical purposes should be made legal in Idaho; 18% say it should remain against the law. 14% aren't sure. Legalization of medical marijuana is supported by significant majorities of every demographic subgroup except those identifying as very conservative, who still support by a 13-point margin, 47% to 34%.

A small plurality also supports the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, with 48% saying it should be legal, 41% saying it should remain against the law; 10% say they are not sure. Majorities of very conservative and conservative adults, of Republicans, of seniors, and of evangelicals all are opposed.

Just 11% say the possession of small amounts of marijuana should be penalized with time in jail; 43% say the punishment should be a fine; 42% say there should be no penalty at all.

Fully crosstabbed results follow ...
About the Research: SurveyUSA interviewed a total of 550 Idaho adults 10/17/22 through 10/20/22, using using blended sample, mixed mode. Respondents reachable on a home telephone (31% of adults) were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer, using telephone sample of adults purchased from Aristotle in Washington DC. Respondents unreachable on a landline telephone (69% of adults) were shown the survey questions on the display of their smartphone, laptop or tablet, using online adult panelists chosen randomly by Lucid Holdings LLC of New Orleans. The pool of adult survey respondents was weighted to US Census targets for gender, age, race, education, and home ownership.
1Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legal in Idaho? Or against the law?
550 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceRegistered VoterParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedParentEvangelicalEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityType Of IntervieRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteHispanicOtherYesNoRepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralOnlineTelephonAda CounCanyon CRest of
Against The Law18%19%18%13%12%25%26%12%26%18%13%**20%12%24%7%13%34%23%12%1%**26%12%2%17%19%27%16%16%18%23%18%17%23%20%16%20%15%20%13%30%13%19%20%
Not Sure14%12%16%12%17%15%12%14%14%12%26%**13%19%15%9%13%19%15%16%0%**16%16%3%16%12%16%12%16%13%13%11%16%15%15%12%17%15%11%15%11%14%16%14%
Composition of Adults100%50%50%31%24%25%20%54%46%84%11%5%79%18%56%13%23%17%33%31%7%3%50%31%9%33%65%27%61%35%36%28%36%44%20%69%31%22%39%39%69%31%18%11%70%
2Should the use of marijuana for recreational purposes be legal in Idaho? Or against the law?
550 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceRegistered VoterParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedParentEvangelicalEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityType Of IntervieRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 5.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteHispanicOtherYesNoRepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralOnlineTelephonAda CounCanyon CRest of
Against The Law41%38%44%31%33%47%59%32%52%43%34%**43%35%56%15%25%65%55%29%5%**58%29%5%41%42%54%37%39%40%46%38%42%46%47%30%36%41%45%35%55%28%31%46%
Not Sure10%10%11%16%9%6%9%13%7%10%12%**11%10%9%11%13%7%10%13%7%**9%13%8%9%10%9%9%11%11%10%11%11%10%9%13%16%9%9%11%8%16%15%8%
Composition of Adults100%50%50%31%24%25%20%54%46%84%11%5%79%18%56%13%23%17%33%31%7%3%50%31%9%33%65%27%61%35%36%28%36%44%20%69%31%22%39%39%69%31%18%11%70%
3Should the possession of small amounts of marijuana be penalized with jail? A fine? Or no penalty at all?
550 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceRegistered VoterParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedParentEvangelicalEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityType Of IntervieRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 5.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteHispanicOtherYesNoRepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralOnlineTelephonAda CounCanyon CRest of
A Fine43%41%46%45%29%49%50%38%50%47%31%**46%32%54%29%29%55%52%38%23%**53%38%20%46%42%55%40%44%43%43%42%44%46%47%37%46%41%46%42%46%45%44%43%
No Penalty At All42%46%39%46%55%36%29%50%33%41%46%**41%50%31%58%57%24%32%51%74%**29%51%74%42%43%28%47%41%44%42%44%42%38%37%52%43%45%38%46%34%47%43%41%
Not Sure4%3%5%3%5%4%3%4%4%2%8%**3%4%1%6%7%3%2%3%2%**3%3%6%4%3%5%2%4%4%2%5%2%4%3%5%3%3%4%3%4%4%8%3%
Composition of Adults100%50%50%31%24%25%20%54%46%84%11%5%79%18%56%13%23%17%33%31%7%3%50%31%9%33%65%27%61%35%36%28%36%44%20%69%31%22%39%39%69%31%18%11%70%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.