Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #22461
Republican Bevin within Striking Distance, But Democrat Conway in the Lead, 3 Months Till KY Elects a New Governor:

A tight fight shapes up in Kentucky's open Governor's seat, where, in an election today, 100 days until votes are counted, Democrat Jack Conway edges Republican Matt Bevin 45% to 42%. This latest Bluegrass Poll, commissioned by the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Lexington Herald-Leader, WHAS-TV, and WKYT-TV, highlights 6 statewide contests on the 11/03/15 ballot, each decided at this hour by 7 or fewer points.

In a 2-person Governor's race, Bevin suffers because 15% of those who tell SurveyUSA they are "very conservative" cross-over and vote for the Democrat Conway. Bevin needs every one of these "very conservative" votes to win. Moderates break 2:1 Democrat. And Kentucky's few liberals, as expected, vote overwhelmingly Blue. 13% of likely voters today are undecided. When all registered voters are asked which of the 2 candidates is better qualified to deal with the state worker pension system, voters split: 37% name Conway, 36% name Bevin. When registered voters are asked who is better qualified to manage KY's state budget, voters split: 38% say Conway, 38% say Bevin.

In a 2-person Governor's race:

* Bevin leads by 19 points in Southwest KY, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #1.
* Bevin Leads by 13 points in West Central KY, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #2.
* Bevin leads by a nominal 2 points in Northern KY, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #4.
* Conway leads by 30 points in Jefferson County, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #3.
* Conway leads by a nominal 3 points in Eastern KY, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #5.
* And, Conway leads by 11 points in Central KY, which maps closely to KY Congressional District #6.

If Independent Drew Curtis is on the 11/03/15 Gubernatorial ballot, Curtis today captures 8% of the likely vote, and takes slightly more votes from the Republican than from the Democrat. A 3-way contest today ends with Conway leading by 5 points: Conway 43%, Bevin 38%, Curtis 8%, with 11% undecided. Of Bevin supporters in a 2-person race, 7% vote for Curtis in a 3-person race. Of Conway supporters in a 2-person race, 5% vote for Curtis in a 3-person race.

In an election for KY Attorney General today, Democrat Andy Beshear, son of sitting Governor Steve Beshear, leads Republican Whitney Westerfield 40% to 33%. 24% of likely voters are undecided at this hour. An additional 3% of likely voters are not following the contest.

In an election for KY Secretary of State, Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes leads Republican Steve Knipper 46% to 40%, with 12% of likely voters undecided and another 2% of likely voters not following the contest.

In an election for KY State Auditor, Democrat Adam Edelen leads Republican Mike Harmon 35% to 31%, with 30% of likely voters undecided, and another 4% of likely voters not following the contest.

In the contest for State Treasurer, Democrat Rick Nelson leads Republican Allison Ball 36% to 33%, with 29% of likely voters undecided and another 2% of likely voters not following the contest.

In the contest for State Agriculture Commissioner, Republican Ryan Quarles and Democrat Jean-Marie Lawson Spann run effectively even, with Quarles at 33%, Lawson Spann at 32%, 30% undecided and another 5% not following the contest. Quarles' nominal 1-point advantage is not statistically significant; the contest should be characterized as even, at this hour.


53% of registered voters disagree with the Supreme Court of the United States' decision which made same-sex marriage the law of the land. 38% agree with the Supreme Court.

Gubernatorial candidate Bevin disagrees with the Supreme Court decision; Gubernatorial candidate Conway agrees with the decision. 24% of registered voters say this makes them "much" more likely to vote for Conway. An offsetting 26% say this makes them "much" more likely to vote for Bevin. Another 25% of voters say the candidates' positions on same-sex marriage do not affect their vote one way or the other.

KY voters split on whether County Clerks should be allowed to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples who wish to marry. 36% say clerks should be allowed to refuse to issue marriage licenses on religious grounds; 38% say those clerks should be removed from office.

73% statewide say the statue of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, which stands in the Capitol Rotunda, should remain in place. 17% say the statue should be removed.

Looking ahead 15 months to the election for President of the United States, Kentucky's Ron Paul and presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton remain deadlocked in the fight for Kentucky's 8 electoral college votes. Paul gets 44% today, Clinton gets 42%. Compared to an identical, hypothetical question asked 2 months ago, Clinton is down 3 points, Paul is down 1 point, and undecided is up 3 points, from 11% to now 14%. In 2012, Mitt Romney carried Kentucky by 22 percentage points. In 2008, John McCain carried KY by 16 points.

Filtering: SurveyUSA interviewed 1,000 adults from the state of KY 07/22/15 through 07/28/15. Of the adults, 856 were registered to vote in KY. Of the registered voters, 685 were determined by SurveyUSA to be likely to vote in the 11/03/15 election for Governor. This research was conducted using blended sample, mixed mode. Respondents reachable on a landline telephone (72% of likely voters) were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. Respondents not reachable on a home telephone (28% of likely voters) were shown a questionnaire on their smartphone, tablet or other electronic device. Respondents to this survey were asked both what their party registration is, and what their party affiliation is. Party registration is reported herein as a binary result: 53% of likely voters are registered Democrat. 35% of likely voters are Republican. (Among registered voters, the split is: 51% D, 34% R.) Separately, the same likely voters were asked to place themselves on a 7-point continuum, from "Strong Republican" to "Strong Democrat." Those results are also reported herein. In addition, voters were asked to place themselves on a 5-point continuum from "Very Conservative" to "Very Liberal." Those results are reported herein.

1If the election for Kentucky governor were today, and the only two candidates on the ballot were Republican Matt Bevin and Democrat Jack Conway, who would you vote for?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Bevin (R)42%44%39%36%40%47%43%38%45%42%36%75%20%94%73%68%36%15%11%2%77%61%27%7%2%44%42%40%37%43%44%32%46%56%54%30%40%41%36%100%0%
Conway (D)45%44%46%42%44%45%50%43%47%44%55%15%69%5%14%13%32%72%75%95%15%28%56%80%88%44%42%49%46%47%43%43%46%37%41%60%38%44%47%0%100%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
What if there were three names on the ballot for Governor: Republican Matt Bevin, Democrat Jack Conway, and Independent Drew Curtis. Who would you vote for?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Bevin (R)38%40%36%33%36%42%39%35%41%38%36%69%17%90%71%54%34%15%7%1%73%55%23%5%1%38%37%38%32%41%39%29%41%48%49%26%36%39%32%89%0%
Conway (D)43%42%43%35%44%44%49%40%46%42%55%13%67%5%11%11%27%62%78%94%12%27%52%76%89%39%41%47%43%43%43%39%45%30%39%59%36%43%46%2%92%
Curtis (I)8%10%6%17%5%6%5%11%6%8%4%6%8%4%5%12%20%12%4%2%8%6%11%7%0%13%7%7%9%7%9%13%6%16%5%6%3%6%12%7%5%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Kentucky will also elect an Attorney General in November. If the election for Attorney General were today, who would you vote for? Republican Whitney Westerfield? Or Democrat Andy Beshear? Or, are you not following this contest?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Westerfield (R)33%33%31%26%32%37%34%29%36%34%20%65%13%77%57%52%15%15%11%2%68%45%18%7%1%36%30%33%28%34%36%27%35%40%34%21%31%36%35%67%7%
Beshear (D)40%42%38%38%38%42%43%38%43%38%64%11%62%5%13%9%44%54%69%82%16%27%49%69%69%33%38%46%42%40%41%41%40%31%35%46%39%40%49%11%71%
Not Following3%2%5%9%1%2%1%5%2%4%1%2%3%1%5%2%9%2%2%5%2%1%4%3%14%5%3%2%4%3%2%8%1%7%4%5%2%2%1%2%4%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Kentucky will also elect a Secretary of State. If the election for Secretary of State were today, who would you vote for? Republican Steve Knipper? Or Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes? Or, are you not following this contest?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Knipper (R)40%44%36%42%37%41%40%39%41%41%30%76%17%88%74%64%32%14%14%0%74%65%20%10%3%45%39%38%36%44%38%37%41%43%52%27%41%46%36%81%8%
Lundergan Grimes (D)46%45%47%42%46%48%48%44%48%45%56%13%69%7%11%10%50%75%74%91%18%25%60%82%80%37%46%52%47%45%49%46%46%38%39%54%42%45%55%9%82%
Not Following2%2%2%5%0%1%0%2%1%2%0%1%1%0%3%1%3%0%1%4%0%0%3%0%9%2%1%2%1%2%0%4%1%3%1%3%2%1%0%1%2%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Kentucky will also elect a state auditor. If the election for state auditor were today, who would you vote for? Republican Mike Harmon? Or Democrat Adam Edelen? Or, are you not following this contest?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Harmon (R)31%34%27%31%25%35%30%28%33%32%13%63%10%86%56%41%20%11%7%1%69%47%13%5%1%33%34%27%30%32%31%31%31%32%33%22%33%36%29%64%5%
Edelen (D)35%35%35%30%36%36%39%33%37%33%63%7%56%1%12%10%22%52%59%82%11%22%42%64%78%32%32%41%35%37%35%32%36%30%35%47%25%36%36%7%67%
Not Following4%3%5%8%3%3%1%6%2%4%0%6%2%1%2%5%13%1%6%0%2%5%4%4%2%6%6%2%5%4%2%9%2%3%4%2%6%2%6%3%4%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Kentucky will also elect a state treasurer. If the election for state treasurer were today, who would you vote for? Republican Allison Ball? Democrat Rick Nelson? Or, are you not following this contest?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Ball (R)33%34%32%29%30%39%31%29%36%34%23%62%14%75%60%46%23%23%7%3%66%45%20%8%1%35%32%33%32%32%37%34%32%37%34%23%33%41%30%62%9%
Nelson (D)36%39%32%40%38%32%34%39%33%33%61%8%57%3%12%6%38%44%59%82%12%23%43%55%81%31%36%38%35%37%36%37%35%27%31%44%30%37%42%9%63%
Not Following2%1%3%3%2%3%2%3%2%2%1%1%2%2%1%1%5%3%4%0%1%1%3%7%0%1%3%3%2%3%2%5%2%3%3%4%3%2%0%1%4%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Kentucky will also elect a state agriculture commissioner. If the election for state agriculture commissioner were today, who would you vote for? Republican Ryan Quarles? Or Democrat Jean-Marie Lawson Spann? Or, are you not following this contest?
685 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Quarles (R)33%37%28%33%33%34%32%33%33%34%17%63%13%82%57%39%26%13%14%2%69%50%14%7%2%35%32%32%29%35%34%32%33%31%42%22%34%41%31%65%9%
Lawson Spann (D)32%33%31%30%33%33%31%32%32%29%67%5%51%1%10%12%20%42%54%79%11%19%38%57%79%30%33%32%37%30%29%34%31%26%22%42%31%31%36%5%59%
Not Following5%3%8%5%9%4%2%7%3%5%3%6%4%2%5%10%7%3%5%4%2%5%6%9%2%6%5%5%7%5%3%9%3%8%7%5%6%3%2%4%5%
Composition of Likely Voters100%52%48%23%25%30%22%48%52%91%6%35%53%15%12%16%11%14%18%14%19%27%36%12%6%24%36%40%35%40%25%28%72%15%15%19%16%17%19%42%45%
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Steve Beshear is doing as Governor?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure16%13%19%19%21%16%8%20%12%16%9%16%11%13%26%9%32%15%12%8%8%22%18%7%16%19%15%14%19%17%10%28%10%18%23%16%14%12%14%15%5%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
9Who do you think is doing a better job as U.S. Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell? Rand Paul? Are both doing their jobs equally well? Or is neither doing their job well?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure7%5%8%8%10%5%3%9%4%7%8%2%6%0%4%6%16%4%9%6%2%3%12%2%6%7%8%5%11%4%4%12%4%9%10%3%7%6%4%1%3%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
10Who do you think is better qualified to solve problems with Kentucky's state worker pension systems? Matt Bevin or Jack Conway?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure27%21%33%30%30%27%19%30%24%27%27%20%27%9%23%33%46%29%29%15%15%26%33%27%27%33%30%19%36%19%24%36%23%28%25%22%32%27%28%10%11%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
11Who do you think is better qualified to manage Kentucky's budget? Matt Bevin or Jack Conway?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure24%17%30%27%28%22%16%27%20%24%25%16%24%7%21%26%39%26%30%12%13%21%30%23%25%29%27%16%33%17%19%33%19%24%21%18%32%25%23%7%8%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
12Do you agree or disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling which made gay marriage legal nationwide?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure10%11%8%11%13%7%7%12%7%10%10%7%8%3%7%13%19%8%9%6%6%8%13%6%4%7%11%9%12%8%7%13%8%10%11%10%8%7%11%8%7%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
Matt Bevin has said he disagrees with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage. Jack Conway has said he agrees with the decision. Does knowing their position on the issue make you much more likely to vote for Conway, somewhat more likely to vote for Conway, much more likely to vote for Bevin, somewhat more likely to vote for Bevin, or does the issue not affect how you will vote one way or the other?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Much More / Conway24%24%25%27%23%25%22%25%24%24%20%11%36%13%12%8%9%36%33%59%14%12%22%52%74%18%26%28%19%29%28%28%23%20%23%28%23%23%28%8%48%
Somewhat More / Conway10%10%11%21%7%7%7%14%7%10%14%11%9%3%12%9%9%24%10%6%3%11%12%16%8%12%10%10%10%10%12%16%8%8%8%18%13%5%10%5%12%
Much More / Bevin26%30%23%15%29%31%31%22%31%26%31%45%16%68%40%32%27%9%11%6%61%39%13%4%1%28%26%24%25%29%22%14%32%33%36%15%21%36%17%57%4%
Somewhat More / Bevin8%9%7%15%6%5%6%11%5%8%11%9%7%3%11%15%16%3%4%4%8%8%11%3%3%7%8%10%10%6%9%15%5%6%4%9%6%6%17%7%5%
Does Not Affect25%23%27%17%26%27%29%22%28%26%19%22%26%12%21%30%27%24%32%22%10%25%34%21%5%27%22%25%25%22%27%18%28%24%22%26%29%25%22%20%27%
Not Sure6%5%7%5%9%6%4%7%5%6%6%2%6%2%4%7%12%4%10%3%4%5%8%4%9%8%8%3%11%4%3%9%5%9%6%4%7%5%5%1%4%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
14Following the Supreme Court's ruling, some Kentucky county clerks have refused to issue marriage licenses, citing their religious beliefs. Should those clerks be allowed to refuse to issue licenses? Should they be removed from office because issuing marriage licenses is one of their state-mandated duties? Or should lawmakers transfer the power to issue marriage licenses to a state agency?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Allowed To Refuse36%38%35%27%36%42%40%32%41%37%42%52%29%69%48%37%41%21%26%20%69%47%25%17%12%50%35%27%44%35%25%24%42%39%40%23%38%53%26%54%23%
Removed From Office38%37%39%42%38%36%36%40%36%39%22%21%48%9%25%33%28%58%48%61%8%29%42%70%79%27%38%47%29%44%47%43%36%30%41%52%38%27%41%21%60%
Transfer The Power16%17%15%20%15%16%15%18%15%16%20%21%15%17%19%22%15%17%15%8%17%17%20%7%0%14%16%18%14%15%21%18%15%18%11%13%15%14%27%18%11%
Not Sure9%7%11%10%11%7%9%10%8%8%16%7%8%6%8%9%15%4%10%10%6%7%13%6%10%9%11%7%13%5%8%14%7%13%8%12%9%6%7%7%5%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
15Jefferson Davis, who was born in Kentucky, was president of the Confederacy during the Civil War. Should the statue of Jefferson Davis be removed from the state Capitol Rotunda and placed in a museum? Or should it remain in the Capitol?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Not Sure10%8%12%11%11%11%9%11%10%10%15%7%10%8%8%9%14%9%12%11%11%7%11%14%16%10%12%8%15%6%9%16%8%16%9%10%12%7%9%6%7%
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%
Thinking ahead now to the 2016 general election for President of the United States. If the November 2016 election were today, and the only two candidates were Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for?
863 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty RegistratiParty Affiliation, Regardless Of RegistrationIdeologyEducationIncomeCell Phone / LanRegions = Approximate Congressional DistrictsGovernor Vote
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackRepublicDemocratStrong RRepublicIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaDemocratStrong DVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibHigh SchSome Col4-year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KCell PhoLandline1 - Sout2 - West3 - Jeff4 - Nort5 - East6 - CentBevin (RConway (
Composition of Registered Voters100%49%51%25%26%29%20%51%49%90%6%34%51%13%12%15%14%14%19%12%18%25%40%12%5%29%36%35%40%38%22%32%68%17%16%17%16%16%18%42%45%