Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #14709
Obama, Kerry Far Ahead in Massachusetts Balloting; Repeal of State Income Tax Unlikely: In an election for President of the United States in Massachusetts today, 10/29/08, six days until votes are counted, Democrat Barack Obama defeats Republican John McCain 56% to 39%, according to this latest exclusive WBZ-TV poll conducted by SurveyUSA. John Kerry, 1st elected to the United States Senate in 1984, defeats Republican Jeff Beatty and is elected to his 6th term by a 24-point margin, 58% to 34%. Beatty runs strong among Republicans, Conservatives, pro-life voters, and gun owners, but none of those voting blocs make up more than a third of Massachusetts voters. Ballot Question 1, which would eliminate the state's personal income tax, is defeated in a vote today, with 64% of voters certain they will vote "No," 29% certain they will vote "Yes." Opposition to the measure has steadily increased since SurveyUSA began polling on the issue one month ago. SurveyUSA interviewed 800 Massachusetts adults 10/27/08 and 10/28/08. Of the adults, 743 were registered to vote. Of the registered voters, 658 were determined by SurveyUSA to be likely voters in the 11/04/08 general election.
If the election for President were today, would you vote for ... (choices rotated) Republican John McCain? Democrat Barack Obama? Or one of the other candidates?
658 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+AgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeologyCollege GradAttend Religious ServiceAbortionIncomeIntellectual?Traveled AbroadSpeak Another LaUSA Super PowerOwn a Gun?Region
Credibility Interval: ± 3.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+< Obama> McCain> In BetWhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoRegularlOccasionAlmost NPro-lifePro-choi< $50K> $50KYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoW/CentraBoston ASE MA an
McCain (R)39%43%35%33%45%38%38%40%38%39%38%39%41%******84%13%44%76%37%9%39%40%43%39%36%59%31%38%40%38%44%39%40%31%44%42%29%59%34%36%38%45%
Obama (D)56%51%61%61%52%57%57%56%57%56%58%56%55%******15%83%49%19%58%87%57%54%51%57%60%37%65%58%56%57%51%56%55%65%51%54%65%36%62%60%57%49%
Composition of Likely Voters100%48%52%24%32%23%21%56%44%50%11%39%87%5%5%4%17%38%44%23%45%24%60%40%35%30%35%31%65%25%75%70%23%84%15%36%64%82%14%20%78%24%57%18%
Massachusetts will also elect a United States Senator. If the election for United States Senator were today, would you vote for ... (choices rotated) Republican Jeff Beatty? Democrat John Kerry? Libertarian Bob Underwood? Or another candidate?
658 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+AgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeologyCollege GradAttend Religious ServiceAbortionIncomeIntellectual?Traveled AbroadSpeak Another LaUSA Super PowerOwn a Gun?Region
Credibility Interval: ± 3.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+< Obama> McCain> In BetWhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoRegularlOccasionAlmost NPro-lifePro-choi< $50K> $50KYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoW/CentraBoston ASE MA an
Jeff Beatty (R)34%39%29%29%37%32%35%34%33%33%30%35%35%******82%10%35%68%31%8%36%31%36%33%32%52%26%27%36%33%38%35%29%29%37%37%23%50%30%31%32%41%
John Kerry (D)58%52%63%61%56%58%56%58%57%58%61%56%56%******15%84%52%23%62%84%56%59%55%60%58%42%65%60%57%59%51%57%60%62%55%56%63%43%61%61%58%50%
Bob Underwood (L)4%5%4%4%4%6%3%4%4%4%2%5%5%******2%4%6%5%4%4%4%5%4%3%5%4%5%5%4%4%5%4%3%4%4%4%5%4%4%3%5%4%
Composition of Likely Voters100%48%52%24%32%23%21%56%44%50%11%39%87%5%5%4%17%38%44%23%45%24%60%40%35%30%35%31%65%25%75%70%23%84%15%36%64%82%14%20%78%24%57%18%
Also on the ballot are several questions. On Question 1, about eliminating the state personal income tax, are you ... Certain to vote yes? Certain to vote no? Or not certain? {Not Certain voters were asked: "At this hour, on Question 1, do you ... lean toward yes? lean toward no, or do you not lean?"}
658 Likely Voters, Incl. LeanersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+AgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeologyCollege GradAttend Religious ServiceAbortionIncomeIntellectual?Traveled AbroadSpeak Another LaUSA Super PowerOwn a Gun?Region
Credibility Interval: ± 3.7 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+< Obama> McCain> In BetWhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoRegularlOccasionAlmost NPro-lifePro-choi< $50K> $50KYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoW/CentraBoston ASE MA an
Lean Toward Yes29%36%22%29%30%30%25%30%28%30%21%30%29%******51%18%30%51%26%15%29%29%27%28%32%40%25%24%31%31%27%29%29%31%28%31%24%31%29%25%29%34%
Lean Toward No64%57%70%59%62%67%68%61%67%60%71%66%65%******42%73%64%42%67%75%65%63%66%63%63%54%69%67%63%63%69%66%57%64%64%63%71%63%64%67%64%58%
Don't Lean7%6%8%12%7%3%7%10%5%10%9%3%7%******7%9%6%7%6%10%6%8%7%9%4%6%6%9%6%6%4%5%15%5%7%6%5%6%7%8%7%8%
Composition of Likely Voters, Incl. Leaners100%48%52%24%32%23%21%56%44%50%11%39%87%5%5%4%17%38%44%23%45%24%60%40%35%30%35%31%65%25%75%70%23%84%15%36%64%82%14%20%78%24%57%18%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.