Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #15805
Mallahan Has Early Edge in Seattle Mayor Contest: 7 weeks until votes are counted in the non-partisan race for Seattle Mayor, businessman Joe Mallahan has a slight early advantage, according to this latest exclusive KING-TV poll conducted by SurveyUSA. Today, 09/15/09, Mallahan gets 41% of the vote; community organizer Mike McGinn gets 36%. 23% are undecided.

Neither candidate gets a majority in any demographic group. Mallahan, who finished a fractional point behind McGinn in the 8-candidate August 18 primary, runs strongly among voters age 50+, among Asian American voters, among Republicans, and among both conservatives and moderates. McGinn is strongest among the youngest voters and among liberals.

Mallahan leads by 8 points among women, and by 3 points among men.
Among those with household incomes greater than $50K, Mallahan leads by 9 points.
Among those with incomes below $50K, McGinn and Mallahan are effectively even.
Among college graduates, Mallahan leads by 8 points.
Among those who did not graduate college, the two candidates are effectively even.

Filtering: SurveyUSA interviewed 1,000 adults from the city of Seattle 09/13/09 and 09/14/09. Of them, 925 identified themselves as being registered to vote. Of the registered voters, 637 were determined by SurveyUSA to be likely to vote in the election. The election will be conducted entirely by mail; ballots begin to be mailed on October 14.
If the election for Seattle Mayor were today, would you vote for ... (choices rotated) Joe Mallahan? Or, Mike McGinn?
637 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyCollege GradIncome
Credibility Interval: ± 4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian/OtRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNo< $50K> $50K
Composition of Likely Voters100%51%49%26%32%25%17%58%42%75%5%5%15%13%64%22%11%40%45%72%28%29%71%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.