Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #18543
Obama Voters Want President to Lay Out Broad Plan In Jobs Speech: SurveyUSA interviewed 1,250 USA adults 08/31/11 and 09/01/11, in advance of a scheduled Labor-Day-week speech on jobs. Of the adults, 535 voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and were asked the questions that follow.

* By 5:1, Obama voters want the President to lay out a broad plan for creating jobs and hold Republicans accountable if they block this legislation.

* By 5:2, Obama voters say the president should close corporate tax loopholes rather than offer tax breaks to corporations.

* Overwhelmingly, Obama voters say closing corporate tax loopholes and raising taxes on the wealthy would make them more likely to support Obama's 2012 re-election.

* Overwhelmingly, cuts to Medicare and social security would make Obama voters less likely to support Obama's 2012 re-election.

Cell Phone respondents included in this research. 30% of the adults interviewed and 34% of the Obama voters interviewed do not use a home telephone, and rely on a cell phone to make and receive calls. This study was conducted multi-mode, with some respondents answering questions on the telephone and other respondents seeing questions displayed on their electronic device. Of the landline respondents, 41% voted for Obama in 2008, 41% voted for McCain. Of the respondents without a landline, 48% voted for Obama, 30% voted for McCain. When the two groups are proportionally blended, the sample of adults is comprised 43% of Obama voters, 38% of McCain voters. Research conducted for Political Action.

1In the election for president in 2008, did you... Vote for Barack Obama? Vote for John McCain? Vote for someone else? Did you not have a chance to vote in 2008? Or, do you not remember?
1250 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 2.8 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Someone Else5%5%4%4%3%5%8%4%6%5%2%2%9%1%2%5%10%7%3%3%5%6%4%3%**8%3%3%4%3%2%6%4%4%5%5%
Did Not Have a Chance13%12%15%21%14%7%5%18%6%12%11%21%20%11%13%10%23%14%10%6%8%13%15%9%**16%16%10%11%8%20%10%13%10%15%13%
Do Not Remember2%1%2%2%2%1%2%2%1%1%2%2%3%0%2%1%4%1%0%0%3%1%1%1%**3%2%1%0%0%1%2%1%2%2%1%
Composition of Adults100%48%52%32%30%20%18%62%38%72%11%11%6%14%15%12%20%11%12%16%16%25%39%12%4%26%23%22%12%18%30%70%19%23%36%22%
2Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Not Sure9%6%13%15%11%3%4%13%3%10%2%17%9%1%9%15%18%******6%6%14%4%6%12%9%10%9%6%16%6%5%8%10%15%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
3Thinking specifically about economic issues, do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy?
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Not Sure7%4%10%9%9%2%5%9%3%8%5%3%8%3%6%8%11%******11%3%9%5%8%6%10%8%5%5%13%4%5%5%10%7%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
4[choices rotated]
Which of these 2 statements better explain why you disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy? Because you think Obama has proposed policies that are too liberal? Or Because you think Obama has been too willing to compromise with Republicans on economic issues?
147 Who Disapprove Of Obama Handling Of EconomyAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 7.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Policies Too Liberal27%32%21%24%32%29%21%27%26%27%41%19%**13%28%6%52%62%******18%31%17%17%14%17%31%44%37%35%22%31%29%27%20%
Too Willing To Compromise63%66%60%66%56%62%74%62%67%60%59%77%**87%64%84%32%31%******71%59%71%83%72%70%67%52%49%58%67%54%58%66%75%
Not Sure10%2%18%10%12%9%5%11%7%12%0%4%**0%8%10%16%7%******11%10%12%0%14%13%2%4%13%8%11%15%13%6%5%
Composition of Who Disapprove Of Obama Handling Of Economy100%53%47%42%30%18%11%72%28%64%10%21%5%14%27%29%18%6%4%3%2%15%58%15%7%22%26%19%13%19%39%61%21%28%27%24%
5[choices rotated]
President Obama will make a speech next week on jobs. Which of these 2 statements better describes what Obama should say? "With Republicans controlling the U.S. House of Representatives, President Obama should focus on smaller measures that Republicans have supported, in the hopes of getting something passed by Congress." Or, "Republicans are going to try to block whatever Obama proposes, so Obama should lay out a broad plan to create millions of jobs and hold Republicans accountable if they block it."
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Focus On Smaller Measures16%15%17%20%14%14%16%17%15%14%20%21%21%10%16%11%21%******31%10%17%15%10%23%8%16%18%15%19%15%18%20%13%14%
Lay Out a Broad Plan81%83%79%77%85%84%78%81%82%83%78%78%76%88%82%87%75%******67%89%80%84%90%71%89%84%79%85%78%83%79%76%85%85%
Not Sure3%1%4%3%1%2%6%2%3%3%3%2%3%2%3%3%3%******1%1%3%1%0%6%3%1%3%0%3%3%4%4%2%1%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
6In the speech, if President Obama says he wants to raise taxes on the richest Americans and close corporate tax loopholes ... would that make you ... More likely to support his re-election? Less likely to support his re-election? Or, would it make no difference?
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.3 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
More Likely To Support82%82%81%74%84%85%87%79%86%85%76%78%71%87%81%82%79%******87%86%78%84%83%79%83%88%79%78%77%84%82%80%81%85%
Less Likely To Support5%7%4%9%7%1%2%8%1%5%3%10%9%1%5%5%9%******6%4%6%6%8%5%2%5%7%9%9%4%7%5%4%7%
No Difference11%9%12%13%7%12%11%10%12%8%18%11%17%11%13%10%10%******7%9%13%9%7%11%11%7%14%12%10%11%9%13%12%9%
Not Sure2%2%2%4%1%2%0%3%1%2%2%1%3%1%2%3%3%******0%1%3%0%2%4%4%1%0%1%3%2%2%1%4%0%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
7If Obama also says he wants to cut government programs to gain the support of Republicans, would that make you ... More likely to support his re-election? Less likely to support his re-election? Or, would it make no difference?
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.3 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
More Likely To Support21%27%16%25%20%14%24%23%18%18%25%24%34%18%21%13%19%******45%27%20%16%8%20%19%15%21%32%24%20%25%23%17%20%
Less Likely To Support41%40%41%39%45%44%33%42%39%42%35%44%43%38%44%48%39%******15%37%37%52%61%48%48%43%34%28%48%37%40%43%37%44%
No Difference32%29%34%25%29%39%41%27%40%34%35%25%11%41%30%30%33%******34%28%34%29%27%26%25%38%40%34%18%39%30%30%37%29%
Not Sure6%4%9%10%6%3%2%8%3%6%5%6%12%3%6%8%9%******6%8%8%2%4%7%9%5%5%5%11%4%4%4%9%6%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
8If Obama also says he wants to cut Social Security or Medicare benefits, would that make you ... More likely to support his re-election? Less likely to support his re-election? Or, would it make no difference?
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
More Likely To Support9%10%7%13%9%2%9%11%5%6%13%9%18%5%7%6%10%******40%8%7%8%1%12%3%10%5%10%12%7%8%7%10%9%
Less Likely To Support67%67%66%64%69%71%62%66%68%68%61%71%65%63%72%70%63%******44%78%67%68%72%69%77%72%62%52%70%65%66%71%64%66%
No Difference22%20%24%19%21%26%27%20%26%23%24%20%12%30%19%21%25%******11%11%24%24%22%17%17%16%30%35%13%27%24%20%22%24%
Not Sure2%2%3%4%1%1%2%3%2%3%2%0%6%2%1%3%1%******4%2%3%0%4%2%3%2%3%3%5%1%2%3%3%1%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
9[choices rotated]
In President Obama's speech next week on jobs, which of these 2 statements better describes what Obama should say? "The president should offer tax breaks to corporations if they agree to create jobs" Or, "The president should close corporate tax loopholes and use the extra revenue to create jobs by rebuilding infrastructure"
535 Obama VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIncomeCell Phone / LanRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Strong DDemocratIndy LeaIndependIndy LeaRepublicStrong RVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery Lib<$25K$25K - $$50K - $$75K - $>$100KCell PhoLandlineNortheasMidwestSouthWest
Offer Tax Breaks To Corporations27%31%23%32%30%20%21%31%20%25%29%29%34%21%32%16%31%******37%33%26%29%14%24%22%20%30%42%34%23%23%32%27%25%
Close Corporate Tax Loopholes68%67%69%64%68%70%74%66%71%71%64%64%63%75%63%81%61%******54%63%71%65%86%66%75%75%68%56%63%70%69%63%68%72%
Not Sure5%2%8%4%2%10%6%3%8%4%7%6%3%4%5%3%8%******9%4%3%6%0%10%4%4%2%2%3%6%8%4%5%3%
Composition of Obama Voters100%49%51%32%30%22%16%62%38%64%19%12%6%27%25%21%17%3%4%2%7%11%47%23%8%27%19%22%13%19%34%66%21%26%32%20%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.