Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #19133
Florida Divided Over Whether Charging George Zimmerman With Murder is Too Harsh ... Or Not Harsh Enough?

Immediately after the state of Florida announced that it was charging George Zimmerman with 2nd-degree murder, SurveyUSA interviewed 900 Floridians. Of those 900 adults, 747 are following news stories about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, and were asked the questions that follow:

* 34% say the charge of 2nd-Degree Murder is too serious. (37% of whites compared to 22% of blacks, 34% of Hispanics.)
* 18% say the charge is not serious enough. (12% of whites compared to 31% of blacks and 25% of Hispanics.)
* 41% say the charge is just right. (43% of whites compared to 43% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics.)

* Whites by 2:1 see the charge as evidence that the state bent to political pressure.
* Blacks by 5:4 see the charge as evidence that a crime was committed.

* 27% of Floridians maintain that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.

1Are you following news stories about the shooting of Trayvon Martin?
900 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 2.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalNorth WeNorth EaCentralSouth WeSouth Ea
Not Sure4%1%6%7%3%1%4%5%2%2%1%10%**2%7%2%17%2%2%4%1%1%12%3%2%2%
Composition of Adults100%48%52%27%23%28%22%50%50%61%14%21%4%33%35%26%9%87%31%30%22%6%12%35%21%25%
2Based upon what you know so far, did George Zimmerman act in self-defense?
747 Following StoriesAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.7 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalNorth WeNorth EaCentralSouth WeSouth Ea
Not Sure23%24%21%11%22%28%29%16%29%27%13%15%**28%14%29%14%23%29%26%14%26%27%20%22%24%
Composition of Following Stories100%50%50%26%23%29%22%49%51%62%16%18%4%30%37%27%8%88%29%33%23%7%13%35%22%24%
3The state of Florida has charged George Zimmerman with murder in the 2nd degree. Given what you know, is this charge ... too serious? Not serious enough? Or just right?
747 Following StoriesAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.7 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalNorth WeNorth EaCentralSouth WeSouth Ea
Too Serious34%37%31%28%38%34%36%33%35%37%22%34%**45%29%27%45%32%46%35%26%45%28%38%33%29%
Not Serious Enough18%19%18%26%20%12%16%23%14%12%31%25%**15%21%16%30%17%17%15%19%17%25%16%16%20%
Just Right41%37%45%43%38%45%39%40%42%43%43%38%**32%46%49%15%45%29%44%52%29%39%38%46%48%
Not Sure7%7%6%3%4%9%10%4%9%8%4%3%**8%4%8%11%6%9%6%3%9%8%9%6%2%
Composition of Following Stories100%50%50%26%23%29%22%49%51%62%16%18%4%30%37%27%8%88%29%33%23%7%13%35%22%24%
4Is the state of Florida making this charge ... more because the state thinks a crime was committed ... or more because the state is bending to public pressure?
747 Following StoriesAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.6 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalNorth WeNorth EaCentralSouth WeSouth Ea
Crime Was Committed35%31%38%28%35%37%39%32%38%32%50%29%**31%39%35%40%35%27%36%39%34%39%33%30%40%
Bending To Public Pressure58%64%51%63%60%54%53%62%54%60%42%65%**65%52%58%56%57%67%57%55%57%49%61%61%54%
Not Sure8%5%11%9%4%9%8%7%9%8%7%5%**4%9%7%4%8%6%7%6%9%12%6%9%6%
Composition of Following Stories100%50%50%26%23%29%22%49%51%62%16%18%4%30%37%27%8%88%29%33%23%7%13%35%22%24%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.