Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #20158
Newtown Shootings Do Little to Change Minds in Tampa, Where Residents Split On Whether Gun Control or Gun Ownership is More Important:

In greater Tampa FL, there is nominal movement in favor of gun control on several key questions, when a just-completed 12/17/12 SurveyUSA poll is compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll released 07/23/12, just after the 07/20/12 Aurora CO theater shootings. But at the highest level, Tampa is split today, just as it was 5 months ago, on whether the need to protect gun owners is more important than the need to control gun ownership. Democrats and Republicans see the matter in stark contrast. Gun owners and non-gun owners see the matter in stark contrast.

Click on the "Triangle T" below, every place you see it, to open the interactive tracking graphs that show the difference between 07/23/12 and today 12/17/12.

What do you think is more important -- to protect the right of Americans to own guns, or to control gun ownership?
500 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyOwn Gun?Education
Credibility Interval: ± 4.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-year C
Right To Own45%53%38%46%50%46%40%48%43%47%30%49%**63%28%46%67%34%34%58%32%43%49%39%
Control Ownership49%45%52%45%48%47%54%46%51%48%62%43%**33%67%44%30%61%61%36%61%41%46%58%
Not Sure6%2%10%9%3%7%6%6%6%6%7%9%**3%5%9%3%5%6%6%7%16%5%3%
Composition of Adults100%47%53%24%18%26%32%42%58%80%8%9%2%34%37%27%32%42%14%44%54%20%47%33%
What do you think is the best way to reduce gun violence in this country: by passing stricter gun control laws, or by stricter enforcement of existing laws?
500 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyOwn Gun?Education
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-year C
Passing Stricter Laws38%37%39%26%42%41%42%33%41%35%55%45%**29%47%37%28%42%52%30%45%41%29%48%
Stricter Enforcement Of Existing56%58%55%67%50%54%54%59%54%58%41%55%**69%48%52%66%52%47%64%49%52%64%49%
Not Sure6%5%6%7%8%5%4%8%4%7%4%0%**2%5%12%6%6%1%6%6%7%7%3%
Composition of Adults100%47%53%24%18%26%32%42%58%80%8%9%2%34%37%27%32%42%14%44%54%20%47%33%
Would you support? ... or oppose? ... a law requiring a nationwide ban on semi-automatic weapons, which automatically re-load every time the trigger is pulled?
500 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyOwn Gun?Education
Credibility Interval: ± 4.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-year C
Not Sure8%3%13%11%5%9%8%8%9%9%5%9%**10%2%13%9%1%10%11%7%14%8%6%
Composition of Adults100%47%53%24%18%26%32%42%58%80%8%9%2%34%37%27%32%42%14%44%54%20%47%33%
Would you support? ... or oppose? ... a law that limits how much ammunition a gun can hold at once?
500 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyOwn Gun?Education
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-year C
Not Sure9%7%11%13%7%10%6%11%8%9%17%3%**9%8%13%8%6%10%7%11%17%7%8%
Composition of Adults100%47%53%24%18%26%32%42%58%80%8%9%2%34%37%27%32%42%14%44%54%20%47%33%
Would you support ... or oppose ... a law that limits how much ammunition can be purchased at one time?
500 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyOwn Gun?Education
Credibility Interval: ± 4.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberalYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-year C
Not Sure3%2%5%1%5%5%3%3%4%4%0%0%**4%2%4%3%1%5%5%2%1%4%4%
Composition of Adults100%47%53%24%18%26%32%42%58%80%8%9%2%34%37%27%32%42%14%44%54%20%47%33%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.