Results of SurveyUSA Mkt Research Study #26668
By 11:1, Michigan Says Workers Should Have Right to Decide if They Join Labor Unions;
3 of 4 Voters Say State Legislature Should Leave Michigan's 'Right-to-Work' Law In Place:

88% of Michigan voters agree (66% strongly agree, 22% somewhat agree) with the following statement: "Workers should have the right to decide whether to join a labor union. Workers should never be forced, or coerced, to join a union or pay dues to a union as a condition of employment."

8% disagree with the statement (4% somewhat disagree, 4% strongly disagree). 3% say they are not sure.

Majorities of every demographic subgroup and in each region of the state strongly agree, including 94% of conservatives and 92% of Republicans, of 50 to 64 year-olds, and of those who have attended some college. Disagreement is strongest, at a combined 14% strongly and somewhat disagreeing, among those who live in current union households; at 13% among liberals; and at 12% among both those over age 65 and those living in Wayne County.

Unemployed voters agree by an 89-point margin; those employed full-time agree by 83 points; part-time workers agree by 80 points; retired voters agree by a smaller 76-point margin. Those who live in current union households agree by a 75-point margin; those in households where no one is currently in a labor union agree by 84 points.

74% of registered voters statewide say the Michigan legislature should leave in place the state's Right-to-Work law, which allows workers to belong to a labor union if they wish, but does not require workers to belong to a union in order to get or keep a job. 14% say the legislature should repeal the law; 12% are not sure.

Right-to-work has strong support across all demographic subgroups and in all parts of the state, with the lowest amount of support for keeping the law in place, 59%, coming from African-American voters, 27% of whom say the law should be repealed. Calls for repeal are also elevated among Wayne County voters and those who are employed part-time (both at 23%); among Democrats, those who live in urban parts of Michigan, and those who live in current union households (each 22%); and among senior citizens and those who identify as liberal on a 5-point political scale ranging from very conservative to very liberal.

48% of Michigan voters say they are currently employed full-time, 15% part-time; 11% say they are unemployed, 25% retired; 1% say they are students.
SurveyUSA interviewed a total of 1,250 Michigan adults online 11/18/22 through 11/25/22, using sample provided by Lucid Holdings LLC of New Orleans. Of the adults, 1,142 were identified as being registered to vote and were asked the questions which follow. The pool of adult survey respondents was weighted to US Census targets for gender, age, race, education, and home ownership.
1Are you registered to vote in the state of Michigan?
1250 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 1.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Not Sure1%1%1%2%1%2%0%1%1%1%0%5%1%1%0%2%1%0%1%1%1%1%1%1%--------2%1%0%2%1%1%1%3%1%1%1%2%0%1%2%
Composition of Adults100%49%51%28%24%25%22%53%47%78%13%4%5%29%37%27%11%19%39%15%8%30%39%23%48%15%11%25%46%50%37%62%37%31%33%37%40%24%71%29%23%48%29%20%25%26%29%
2What is your reaction to this statement? "Workers should have the right to decide whether to join a labor union. Workers should never be forced, or coerced, to join a union or pay dues to a union as a condition of employment."
1142 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.3 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Strongly Agree66%67%66%64%68%70%64%66%67%66%67%74%61%71%62%68%81%69%66%59%56%74%66%58%68%70%66%63%63%69%63%64%67%67%66%67%67%65%65%70%67%66%67%67%62%67%70%
Somewhat Agree22%22%22%24%21%22%23%22%22%23%20%16%28%21%23%22%14%24%24%23%24%20%24%23%22%19%24%24%23%21%21%25%23%25%20%23%22%22%24%19%18%24%23%17%29%22%21%
Somewhat Disagree4%5%4%4%3%4%7%4%5%4%5%6%6%3%6%4%3%2%4%9%5%2%4%7%3%5%1%6%6%3%5%6%4%3%6%4%3%7%5%4%5%4%4%7%3%5%3%
Strongly Disagree4%4%4%2%4%4%5%3%4%4%6%1%1%3%5%4%2%4%4%5%8%3%4%6%4%4%0%5%5%3%9%2%3%3%5%4%4%4%4%3%5%3%4%5%3%3%4%
Not Sure3%2%4%6%4%1%1%5%1%3%3%4%4%2%4%2%0%0%2%4%8%0%2%5%3%2%8%1%2%4%2%2%3%3%4%4%4%2%3%4%5%3%2%3%3%3%3%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%25%25%24%51%49%78%13%4%4%30%39%27%12%20%40%16%8%31%40%24%48%15%11%25%46%50%37%62%35%31%34%35%41%25%73%27%23%48%29%20%25%27%28%
3Currently, the State of Michigan has a Right to Work law. This law allows workers to belong to a labor union if they wish, but workers are not required to belong to a union in order to get a job or keep a job.

Should the Michigan Legislature leave Michigan's Right to Work Law in place? Or should the Michigan Legislature repeal Michigan's Right to Work law?
1142 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Leave The Law In Place74%74%74%76%78%73%69%77%71%76%59%93%68%83%67%76%77%83%76%63%68%81%76%65%77%68%76%72%73%74%71%75%71%76%76%72%75%75%74%74%63%79%75%65%72%79%78%
Repeal The Law14%14%13%10%11%14%21%11%17%12%27%4%12%7%22%10%13%8%14%21%18%10%14%20%12%23%5%16%17%12%22%13%15%13%14%13%13%16%14%14%22%10%14%23%12%9%13%
Not Sure12%12%13%14%12%13%10%13%12%12%14%3%21%11%11%14%10%10%11%16%14%10%11%15%12%9%19%12%10%14%6%12%14%12%11%15%12%9%12%12%16%12%11%13%15%12%10%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%25%25%24%51%49%78%13%4%4%30%39%27%12%20%40%16%8%31%40%24%48%15%11%25%46%50%37%62%35%31%34%35%41%25%73%27%23%48%29%20%25%27%28%
4Are you ... ?
1142 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Employed Full-time48%58%38%60%69%49%10%64%30%48%45%48%54%52%45%45%39%48%51%53%38%45%51%48%100%0%0%0%43%52%62%32%38%44%61%25%53%71%50%42%52%50%40%45%52%46%47%
Employed Part-time15%10%19%20%13%13%13%16%13%12%29%6%19%14%14%16%20%12%15%11%20%15%15%14%0%100%0%0%14%15%13%14%16%16%13%21%12%9%12%21%20%13%12%23%13%12%13%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%25%25%24%51%49%78%13%4%4%30%39%27%12%20%40%16%8%31%40%24%48%15%11%25%46%50%37%62%35%31%34%35%41%25%73%27%23%48%29%20%25%27%28%
5Have you, or has anyone in your immediate household, ever been a member of a labor union?
1142 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Not Sure4%3%5%8%3%3%2%6%2%4%5%1%4%4%2%5%2%5%3%2%8%4%3%4%4%4%6%2%0%0%--4%4%4%5%3%3%3%5%4%3%5%4%3%5%4%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%25%25%24%51%49%78%13%4%4%30%39%27%12%20%40%16%8%31%40%24%48%15%11%25%46%50%37%62%35%31%34%35%41%25%73%27%23%48%29%20%25%27%28%
6Today, are you, or is anyone in your immediate household, a member of a labor union?
527 Ever a Union HouseholdAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedEmploymentEver Union HHToday Union HHEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.5 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / RepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalFull-timPart-timUnemployRetiredYesNoYesNoHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralWayne CoSuburbs Grand RaRest of
Not Sure1%2%0%2%0%0%1%1%1%1%1%0%0%2%1%0%2%2%1%0%2%2%1%1%1%2%1%1%1%0%0%0%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%2%1%1%2%1%2%0%1%
Composition of Ever a Union Household100%48%52%24%22%25%30%45%55%83%12%2%3%27%40%28%12%18%41%16%9%30%41%25%43%14%9%33%100%0%37%62%32%35%34%31%45%24%78%22%22%46%32%21%22%29%28%
 All Questions Crosstabbed By All Questions
1Are you registered to vote in the state of Michigan?
1250 AdultsAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 1.9 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Not Sure1%----------------------
Composition of Adults100%66%22%4%4%3%74%14%12%48%15%11%25%1%46%50%4%37%62%1%
2What is your reaction to this statement? "Workers should have the right to decide whether to join a labor union. Workers should never be forced, or coerced, to join a union or pay dues to a union as a condition of employment."
1142 Registered VotersAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 3.3 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Strongly Agree66%66%0%0%-----75%42%41%68%70%66%63%45%63%69%63%63%64%65%
Somewhat Agree22%22%0%0%-----21%22%33%22%19%24%24%25%23%21%26%21%25%27%
Somewhat Disagree4%4%0%0%-----2%15%5%3%5%1%6%11%6%3%2%5%6%8%
Strongly Disagree4%4%0%0%-----1%20%2%4%4%0%5%0%5%3%0%9%2%0%
Not Sure3%3%0%0%-----1%1%19%3%2%8%1%19%2%4%8%2%2%0%
Composition of Registered Voters100%100%0%0%74%14%12%48%15%11%25%1%46%50%4%37%62%1%
3Currently, the State of Michigan has a Right to Work law. This law allows workers to belong to a labor union if they wish, but workers are not required to belong to a union in order to get a job or keep a job.

Should the Michigan Legislature leave Michigan's Right to Work Law in place? Or should the Michigan Legislature repeal Michigan's Right to Work law?
1142 Registered VotersAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 3.1 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Leave The Law In Place74%74%0%0%84%68%39%19%21%---77%68%76%72%70%73%74%83%71%75%66%
Repeal The Law14%14%0%0%9%13%47%75%4%---12%23%5%16%0%17%12%4%22%13%8%
Not Sure12%12%0%0%8%18%14%6%75%---12%9%19%12%30%10%14%13%6%12%25%
Composition of Registered Voters100%100%0%0%66%22%4%4%3%48%15%11%25%1%46%50%4%37%62%1%
4Are you ... ?
1142 Registered VotersAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 3.5 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Employed Full-time48%48%0%0%49%47%38%49%43%49%41%45%-----43%52%47%62%32%27%
Employed Part-time15%15%0%0%15%12%18%14%11%13%25%10%-----14%15%16%13%14%25%
Composition of Registered Voters100%100%0%0%66%22%4%4%3%74%14%12%46%50%4%37%62%1%
5Have you, or has anyone in your immediate household, ever been a member of a labor union?
1142 Registered VotersAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 3.5 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Not Sure4%4%0%0%4%5%2%0%11%4%1%4%4%4%6%2%15%------
Composition of Registered Voters100%100%0%0%66%22%4%4%3%74%14%12%48%15%11%25%1%37%62%1%
6Today, are you, or is anyone in your immediate household, a member of a labor union?
527 Ever a Union HouseholdAllRegisteredStatementRight To Work LawEmploymentEver MemberToday Member
Credibility Interval: ± 4.5 pct pointsYesNoNot SureStronglySomewhatSomewhatStronglyNot SureLeave ThRepeal TNot SureEmployedEmployedUnemployRetiredStudentYesNoNot SureYesNoNot Sure
Not Sure1%1%0%0%1%1%2%0%0%1%1%3%1%2%1%1%0%1%0%0%---
Composition of Ever a Union Household100%100%0%0%63%23%6%5%2%73%17%10%43%14%9%33%1%100%0%0%