Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #12960
Los Angeles Strongly Supports Scribes, Spurns Studios: 69% of Los Angeles Area adults familiar with the Writers Guild of America strike say they take the side of the writers, according to this latest exclusive ABC7 News Poll Conducted by SurveyUSA. 8% say they take the studios' side; 22% say they don't take either side. Support for the WGA members is strong across all demographic groups. Would You Miss Your Programs? When asked if they would be upset if the strike lasted through the spring and there were no new episodes of current TV programs, respondents split. Women and younger respondents say they would be upset; men and older respondents are less likely to be upset if new episodes don't air.
Filtering: SurveyUSA contacted 550 Los Angeles Area adults; 482 identified themselves as being familiar with the strike and were asked the questions which follow.
Which side are you on? The writers? The studios? Or neither?
482 Familiar With StrikeAllGenderAgeRaceUnderstand IssuesParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherMostSomeNearly NRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
Not Sure1%0%2%2%1%1%1%0%2%0%0%2%4%0%2%1%1%1%3%
Composition of Familiar With Strike100%50%50%30%44%26%43%8%35%14%50%41%9%24%46%25%18%42%33%
Would you say you understand most of the issues in the strike? Some of the issues? Or nearly none of the issues?
482 Familiar With StrikeAllGenderAgeRaceUnderstand IssuesParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.6 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherMostSomeNearly NRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
Nearly None9%11%6%9%9%8%8%13%10%4%0%0%100%9%9%8%10%9%8%
Not Sure0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
Composition of Familiar With Strike100%50%50%30%44%26%43%8%35%14%50%41%9%24%46%25%18%42%33%
If the strike lasts through the spring and there are no new episodes of the sitcoms and dramas that are on television right now, would you be upset? Or not?
482 Familiar With StrikeAllGenderAgeRaceUnderstand IssuesParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.6 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherMostSomeNearly NRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
Would Be Upset48%39%57%57%47%38%53%57%48%27%48%50%35%51%48%45%40%48%51%
Would Not45%54%36%35%47%53%41%32%46%59%43%44%56%43%45%48%52%44%42%
Not Sure8%8%8%8%6%9%6%11%7%13%8%7%8%6%7%7%8%8%7%
Composition of Familiar With Strike100%50%50%30%44%26%43%8%35%14%50%41%9%24%46%25%18%42%33%