Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #19209
Plurality in MN Now Favor New Stadium for Vikings Football Team: Though Minnesotans remain divided on what to do about the Minnesota Vikings, a plurality now for the first time supports building a new stadium, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KSTP-TV Minneapolis / St. Paul.

43% of registered voters statewide now support a new stadium, up from 28% when SurveyUSA asked the identical question 02/03/12. The number of Minnesota voters who think the Vikings should keep playing in the Metrodome is down from 29% in February to 16% today.

Though a majority of voters still think a new stadium should be paid for entirely with private funding, the minority willing to allow some tax dollars to go against the stadium has increased from 22% in February to 36% today. Voters say the Vikings should pay more than the $427 million that was contained in an original plan. 67% say a public vote should be held before anyone's taxes are raised.

21% approve of the job state lawmakers are doing. Voters who look to punish lawmakers for their vote on the Vikings cancel each other out. For every voter who thinks less of a lawmaker for his/her vote, there is another voter who thinks more highly of the lawmaker.

Reminder: Every time you see a "Triangle T," click on the T to reveal the interactive tracking graph for that question. Interactive tracking graphs are a SurveyUSA exclusive.

Cell-phone and home-phone respondents included in this research: SurvyUSA inteviewed 600 state of MN adults 05/09/12 and 05/10/12. Of the adults, 516 were registered to vote and were asked the questions contained herein. This research was conducted using blended sample, mixed-mode. Respondents reachable on a home telephone (74% of registered voters) were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. Respondents unreachable on a home telephone (26% of registered voters) were shown a questionnaire on their smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other electronic device.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Mark Dayton is doing as Governor?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure12%7%16%14%18%7%6%16%7%25%7%9%5%19%9%11%12%12%10%8%16%10%18%8%10%11%11%15%10%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
Do you approve or disapprove of the job the State Legislature is doing?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure12%7%16%15%12%10%10%13%10%22%8%11%13%8%10%11%9%12%15%14%16%8%20%9%8%13%3%13%14%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
In a general election for President today, if the only two candidates on the ballot were Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, who would you vote for?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Barack Obama (D)52%50%55%60%49%51%50%54%51%61%50%14%87%45%15%56%25%54%86%53%50%54%63%49%50%54%47%54%49%
Mitt Romney (R)38%41%35%30%41%42%40%35%41%27%42%81%8%36%83%35%69%35%9%38%39%38%24%42%45%38%36%38%40%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
4President Obama says that same-sex couples should be able to get married. Do you agree with the president? Or disagree?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure6%7%6%4%10%4%7%7%5%10%5%6%5%6%3%6%4%8%1%5%8%4%10%6%1%6%8%6%7%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
Should the Minnesota Vikings keep playing football in the Metrodome without renovating it? Should they renovate the stadium and keep playing in it? Or should a new stadium be built?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Keep Playing, Don't Renovate16%15%17%17%12%17%16%15%17%14%16%14%11%22%25%14%21%12%14%18%20%12%20%17%10%15%12%14%24%
Renovate Metrodome36%26%45%44%29%35%35%37%35%40%35%34%45%27%21%36%32%34%43%33%33%38%42%36%29%34%45%40%30%
Build New Stadium43%55%32%32%53%45%41%43%44%38%45%49%39%44%49%46%43%47%37%46%42%44%30%41%59%46%37%40%43%
Not Sure5%4%6%6%5%3%8%6%5%8%4%2%5%8%5%4%3%6%5%3%5%5%8%5%2%6%6%6%2%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
Should legalized gambling be expanded in Minnesota to raise revenue to help finance a new stadium for the Vikings?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure12%11%13%16%15%9%8%15%8%22%9%6%16%11%5%10%6%14%13%11%16%9%16%11%9%11%19%11%11%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
If legalized gambling were expanded to raise revenue for a new Vikings stadium, which would you prefer? Electronic pulltabs? Slot machines at horse-racing tracks, called "Racinos"? A casino in downtown Minneapolis? Or something else?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Electronic Pulltabs15%17%13%14%14%15%17%14%16%11%16%19%15%11%11%16%16%15%14%18%13%15%13%13%18%16%14%8%20%
Casino In Downtown Minneapolis34%34%34%38%34%33%29%36%32%47%29%27%33%40%23%36%30%32%44%34%35%34%33%32%39%34%24%42%33%
Something Else16%16%15%14%11%16%25%12%20%8%19%16%14%17%19%15%16%16%11%18%18%12%20%17%8%13%17%20%23%
Not Sure9%5%13%14%8%7%7%11%7%12%9%7%12%8%5%9%5%10%10%6%9%10%20%6%4%9%11%10%9%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
Should any tax dollars be used to help finance a new stadium for the Vikings? Or should any new stadium be built entirely with private funding?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.3 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Tax Dollars36%47%27%34%42%38%30%38%35%36%37%43%34%33%45%37%34%39%37%33%35%40%24%38%49%40%39%28%30%
Entirely With Private Funding58%47%68%62%56%55%61%59%58%57%58%54%59%62%51%57%62%55%59%61%60%55%67%57%49%54%56%68%65%
Not Sure5%6%5%5%3%7%8%4%7%7%5%3%7%5%4%5%5%6%4%6%6%4%9%5%2%6%5%4%5%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
Should there be a public vote before any taxes are raised to pay for a Vikings stadium?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure6%5%8%4%6%6%10%5%8%7%6%5%7%4%7%6%6%5%8%12%6%4%8%6%4%7%6%4%5%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
10If the Vikings do not get a new stadium, do you think they will move out of Minnesota?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure18%13%24%20%18%17%18%19%17%24%16%13%21%18%20%16%17%19%14%18%16%18%28%13%15%19%24%11%17%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
11If a lawmaker voted in favor of the Vikings stadium would that make you more likely to vote for him in November? Less likely? Or would it make no difference?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
More Likely23%29%17%31%20%23%18%25%21%26%22%26%27%17%20%26%19%25%28%24%20%26%18%20%33%23%14%31%24%
Less Likely27%28%26%30%23%28%27%26%27%24%28%23%26%31%23%26%24%29%23%26%29%25%25%31%23%25%32%25%29%
No Difference47%42%53%38%54%47%52%46%49%45%48%48%44%49%57%46%54%44%47%47%46%47%50%48%43%49%52%41%44%
Not Sure3%1%4%1%4%3%3%2%3%5%2%2%3%3%0%3%4%3%2%2%5%1%8%1%1%3%1%2%3%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
12If a lawmaker voted against the Vikings stadium would that make you more likely to vote for him in November? Less likely? Or would it make no difference?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
More Likely25%24%26%38%16%24%20%27%22%26%24%22%26%28%36%25%25%24%27%21%26%26%19%28%26%24%21%33%25%
Less Likely29%39%19%28%32%28%27%30%28%28%30%33%30%25%14%31%22%36%24%29%30%29%23%27%37%30%34%23%29%
No Difference44%36%51%31%50%45%50%41%47%41%45%43%42%45%50%41%51%37%48%48%39%45%50%45%36%44%44%41%45%
Not Sure2%2%3%3%1%3%2%2%3%5%1%2%2%3%0%2%3%3%0%2%5%1%7%1%1%2%1%4%2%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
13The original stadium bill called for the Vikings to pay $427 million for construction. Do you think the Vikings should pay more than $427 million? Pay less? Or pay the $427 million?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Pay More55%56%54%46%48%65%63%47%64%38%61%53%58%54%75%55%58%51%56%55%51%56%47%55%61%54%49%63%54%
Pay Less10%8%13%17%14%5%3%16%4%23%6%11%14%6%3%9%9%10%14%5%10%12%13%10%10%10%16%14%3%
Pay The $427 Million28%30%26%26%30%28%29%28%28%28%28%30%23%31%22%28%25%32%23%29%32%26%30%29%26%29%26%16%38%
Not Sure7%7%7%11%9%2%5%10%4%11%5%5%6%9%0%7%8%6%6%11%7%5%11%6%4%7%8%6%5%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%
14Do you favor ? or do you oppose? .... Adding fees to the cost of tickets, parking, concessions and memorabilia to help finance a Vikings stadium?
516 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+Cell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeologyEducationIncomeRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberalHigh SchSome ColCollege < $40K$40K - $> $80KTwin CitS MNW MNNE MN
Not Sure14%14%13%11%15%11%19%13%14%12%14%10%15%12%15%13%10%17%9%15%12%13%18%13%9%13%11%24%7%
Composition of Registered Voters100%48%52%26%27%29%18%53%47%26%74%29%38%31%7%85%26%48%22%16%33%51%27%42%31%56%14%16%15%