Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #18958
4 Months From San Diego Mayor Primary, DeMaio and Filner Remain Tied, Others Remain Viable: In an election for Mayor of San Diego today, 02/03/12, Carl DeMaio and Bob Filner tie, with Bonnie Dumanis and Nathan Fletcher not far behind, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for KGTV-TV.

Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll released 4 months ago, there is little movement.

Today, City Council Member DeMaio gets 25%; Congressman Filner gets 24%. DeMaio leads by 6 among men; Filner leads by 4 among women -- a 10 point gender gap. DeMaio leads by more than 2:1 among Republicans; Filner leads by more than 2:1 among Democrats.

San Diego County District Attorney Dumanis, who today gets 14%, and State Assemblyman Fletcher, at 13% both remain viable in a field where no one candidate takes more than one quarter of the vote.

Cell phones included in this survey: SurveyUSA interviewed 800 San Diego adults 01/30/12 through 02/03/12. Of them, 695 were registered to vote. Of the registered, 511 were determined by SurveyUSA to be likely to vote in the 06/05/12 primary. If no one candidate receives a majority of the vote in the primary, the top two finishers will advance to a 11/06/12 general election. Incumbent Mayor Jerry Sanders is term-limited. This survey was conducted multimode. Respondents with a home telephone were interviewed in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. Respondents without a home telephone (12% of likely voters) saw the questions presented visually on their smartphone or other electronic device.

If the primary election for San Diego mayor were today, who would you vote for?(candidate names rotated) Carl DeMaio? Bonnie Dumanis? Bob Filner? Nathan Fletcher? Or some other candidate?
511 Likely VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceCell Phone / LanParty AffiliationTea Party MemberIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.4 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackHispanicAsian / Cell PhoLandlineRepublicDemocratIndependYesNoConservaModerateLiberal
Carl DeMaio25%29%21%25%21%28%26%22%27%25%10%29%24%20%25%35%15%29%40%23%32%30%12%
Bonnie Dumanis14%11%17%13%13%12%18%13%14%13%18%13%19%6%15%12%15%14%11%14%13%16%13%
Bob Filner24%23%25%17%25%24%28%23%26%21%35%40%16%25%24%15%38%14%6%27%9%25%41%
Nathan Fletcher13%15%11%15%9%13%18%11%15%16%5%8%6%13%13%19%7%16%21%12%20%11%10%
Composition of Likely Voters100%48%52%14%34%30%23%47%53%66%7%15%12%12%88%31%42%26%12%85%29%40%28%