Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #10472
McCaskill is Winner of 10/11/06 Missouri Senate Debate: Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill won tonight's debate against Republican incumbent Jim Talent, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 572 debate watchers, interviewed at the conclusion of the debate exclusively for KSDK-TV St. Louis. Of those who watched the debate, 54% say McCaskill won; 32% say Talent won; 14% say there was no clear winner.
Methodology: On 10/10/06, SurveyUSA called into the Missouri portion of the St. Louis TV viewing area to ask residents if on 10/11/06 they planned to watch live televised debate between candidates for U.S. Senate. Respondents who said they did plan to watch debate were asked if SurveyUSA could recontact them at the conclusion of the debate. Debate ended at 9 pm CT. Interviews with 572 pre-recruited debate watchers were completed by 9:15 pm CT. The Missouri portion of the St. Louis television viewing area consists of 16 counties.
Note well: This debate was not broadcast "live" statewide. It was broadcast in the St. Louis TV viewing area. This survey was not conducted statewide; it was conducted in the Missouri portion of the St. Louis viewing area.
1Who do you think won the debate? Jim Talent? Claire McCaskill? Or was there no clear winner?
572 Who Watched DebateAllGenderAgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
No Clear Winner14%13%15%17%13%13%15%14%****8%8%21%10%17%11%
Not Sure0%0%1%1%0%0%0%2%****0%1%0%0%0%0%
Composition of Who Watched Debate100%48%52%29%41%30%81%15%1%3%23%39%30%26%52%16%
2Did the debate give you a more favorable opinion of Jim Talent? A less favorable opinion? Or did it not change your opinion of him either way?
572 Who Watched DebateAllGenderAgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.2 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
More Favorable30%33%27%33%28%29%34%12%****58%7%39%65%20%14%
Less Favorable41%40%43%42%41%42%38%52%****17%64%31%16%51%54%
Did Not Change Opinion28%28%29%26%31%28%28%36%****24%28%29%20%29%32%
Not Sure0%0%0%0%0%1%0%0%****0%1%0%0%0%1%
Composition of Who Watched Debate100%48%52%29%41%30%81%15%1%3%23%39%30%26%52%16%
3Did the debate give you a more favorable opinion of Claire McCaskill? A less favorable opinion? Or did it not change your opinion of her either way?
572 Who Watched DebateAllGenderAgeRaceParty AffiliationIdeology
Credibility Interval: ± 4.1 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-5455+WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRepublicDemocratIndependConservaModerateLiberal
More Favorable58%57%59%61%55%59%54%73%****24%79%58%22%71%69%
Less Favorable25%29%22%31%25%21%29%12%****52%8%26%60%15%10%
Did Not Change Opinion16%14%19%7%20%20%17%15%****24%13%16%18%13%21%
Not Sure0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%****0%0%0%0%0%0%
Composition of Who Watched Debate100%48%52%29%41%30%81%15%1%3%23%39%30%26%52%16%
** Too few respondents of this type were interviewed for this data to be meaningful.