Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #26493
Show Me Deja Vu All Over Again (Again) As Trump/Biden Do-Over Sees Same Result In Missouri – Largely Unchanged Since May:

Four months ago, SurveyUSA asked registered voters across Missouri how they would vote if Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden ran against each other in the 2024 Presidential contest. The answer? As it was when voters went to the polls in 2020, it was Trump by 15.

Two months, the answer was almost exactly the same: Trump by 16.

Today, 26 months to the 2024 election, the answer is again nearly the same: Trump by 17, 52% to 35%. See SurveyUSA's interactive tracking graph for more.

About the Poll / Filtering: SurveyUSA interviewed 1,000 Missouri adults online 09/14/22 through 09/18/22, using sample provided by Lucid Holdings LLC of New Orleans. Of the adults, 830 were identified as being registered to vote and were asked the questions which follow. The pool of adult survey respondents was weighted to US Census targets for gender, age, race, education, and home ownership.
1Are you registered to vote in the state of Missouri?
1000 AdultsAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedLikely NovemberOverturning Roe 2020 VoteEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 2.7 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackOtherRepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalCertainProbableAgreeDisagreeTrumpBidenHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralNorthernKansas CSouthwesSt. LouiSoutheas
Not Sure3%4%2%3%2%4%2%3%3%2%8%4%3%0%6%3%3%4%0%0%3%4%0%--1%3%2%1%3%4%1%5%1%1%1%6%2%3%3%2%5%3%2%2%
Composition of Adults100%48%52%27%25%26%22%52%48%80%11%9%36%26%29%13%25%33%12%7%38%33%18%61%20%35%46%44%30%41%29%30%44%34%21%67%33%20%42%38%14%19%22%33%12%
And thinking ahead to the 2024 election for President. If Donald Trump runs again in 2024, and if Joe Biden runs for re-election in 2024, who would you vote for?
830 Registered VotersAllGenderAge<50 / 50+RaceParty AffiliationIdeologyIdeology AggregatedLikely NovemberOverturning Roe 2020 VoteEducationIncomeHomeUrbanicityRegion
Credibility Interval: ± 3.9 pct pointsMaleFemale18-3435-4950-6465+18-4950+WhiteBlackOtherRepublicDemocratIndependVery ConConservaModerateLiberalVery LibConservaModerateLiberalCertainProbableAgreeDisagreeTrumpBidenHigh SchSome Col4-Year C< $40K$40K - $> $80KOwnRentUrbanSuburbanRuralNorthernKansas CSouthwesSt. LouiSoutheas
Donald Trump (R)52%56%48%50%46%62%49%48%55%57%21%38%87%12%44%85%74%44%6%9%77%44%7%51%52%72%33%90%6%62%51%42%52%56%45%53%49%42%41%69%60%38%64%42%69%
Joe Biden (D)35%33%38%37%35%30%38%36%34%32%58%36%6%81%32%8%12%40%85%90%11%40%87%38%36%15%56%3%88%26%33%47%35%32%42%35%35%45%45%19%28%45%25%44%21%
Undecided 13%11%14%13%18%8%13%16%10%11%22%26%7%7%23%7%15%16%8%1%12%16%6%10%13%13%11%8%6%12%16%11%13%13%13%12%16%13%14%12%12%16%11%14%10%
Composition of Registered Voters100%47%53%24%25%26%25%49%51%83%10%7%39%29%26%14%27%33%12%7%41%33%20%61%20%39%47%48%34%37%29%34%40%37%23%72%28%20%43%38%13%18%22%35%12%